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5.24.23 | Elevate Your Executive Presence & Lead with Confidence

Uncover the secrets to executive success, from day-to-day meetings to the boardroom. The course focuses on 7 pillars of executive presence and is open to all career levels. Join your STEM colleagues to learn clear strategies and proven techniques for greater success in your projects, ideas, and teams, while advancing your career goals.

Athena On Demand

Athena On Demand
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Athena's 2.20 Program | Discovering Your "Why" | Living a Purpose-Led Life

Athena's 2.20 Program | Discovering Your "Why" | Living a Purpose-Led Life

Athena's 2.5 Program | Allyship in Action | Empowering Gender Equity in AI

Athena's 2.5 Program | Allyship in Action | Empowering Gender Equity in AI

Lara Wynne | Gate Science, Inc.

Lara Wynne | Gate Science, Inc.

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